Individual IRC members’ publications can be found by following the links on the People page or directly searching in the main University research portal.


Carrigan, M., Wells, V.K. and Papadas, K.A. eds., (2023) Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption: Contemporary Research in Responsible and Sustainable Consumer Behaviour. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Carrigan, M., Wells, V. and Athwal, N. (2023) ‘I’d never cook it now’: an exploration of intergenerational transference and its role in facilitating family food sustainability, European Journal of Marketing, 57(5): 1352-1379.

Kelling, I., Carrigan, M., and Johnson, A. (2023) Transforming the Seafood Supply System: Challenges and Strategies for Resilience, Food Security, (Impact Factor 6.7) 

Wells, V., Carrigan, M. and Athwal, N. (2023) Pandemic Driven Consumer Behaviour: a foraging exploration, Marketing Theory, (in press) https://doi/pdf/10.1177/14705931231175695

Wells, V., Carrigan, M., and Athwal, N. (2023) Holding On or Letting Go: Inheritance as a Liminal Experience, Marketing Theory, (in press)

Tinker, C. (Accepted/In press). Posthumous Celebrity, Persona and Memorialisation: French Newspaper Coverage of the Popular Music Artist Johnny Hallyday. Celebrity Studies.


Collinson, Elaine & Baxter, Ian (2022). Liminality and contemporary engagement: Knockando Wool Mill – a cultural heritage case study, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 17:1, 107-123,

La Porte, P. (2022). El laberinto marroquí, piedra de tropiezo de liberales y autoritarios (1912-1926). Hispania Nova, (20), 692-736.

Liu, Y. (2022). Commodification of the Chinese language: investigating language ideology in the Chinese complementary schools’ online discourse. Current Issues in Language Planning23(3), 319-342.

Strani, K., & Szczepaniak-Kozak, A. (2022). Online Hate Speech in the UK and Poland: A Case-Study of Online Reactions to the Killing of Arkadiusz Jóźwik. In A. Monnier, A. Boursier, & A. Seoane (Eds.), Cyberhate in the Context of Migrations (pp. 21-61). (Post-disciplinary Studies in Discourse). Palgrave Macmillan.

Strani, K. (2022). Saved by the app? Why a new app for learning indigenous languages is a critical tool for revitalisation. The Linguist61(2), 16-17.


Fadel, L. (2021). ‘But You Don’t Look Like a Syrian’: Migrant Narrative Beyond the Dichotomous Divide in Migration Studies. Displaced Voices: A Journal of Archives, Migration and Cultural Heritage2(1), 61-65.

Greru, C. B., & Kalkreuter, B. (2021). Postcolonial and Global Heritage Narratives from Communal and Individual Perspectives in Dumbara Weaving – Sri Lanka. In S. Surette, & E. Cheasley Paterson (Eds.), Craft and Heritage: Intersections in Critical Studies and Practice Bloomsbury.

Hamilton, L., Carrigan, M. and Bellet, C., (2021) (Re) connecting the food chain: Entangling cattle, farmers and consumers in the sale of raw milk. The Sociological Review, 69(5),1107-1123,

Kalkreuter, B. (2021). Making practice as narrator of changing social worlds-Textiles and the Scottish Borders, in the 21st century, but based firmly on the past? In L. Di Lucchio, L. Imbesi, A. Giambattista, & V. Malakuczi (Eds.), Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021: Series 7 (Vol. 2, pp. 2931-2941). (Cumulus Conference Proceedings; Vol. 2, No. 7).

La Porte, P. (2021). Dissenting Voices: The Secretariat of the League of Nations and the Drafting of Mandates, 1919–1923. Diplomacy and Statecraft32(3), 440-463.

Liu, Y., & Ren, W. (2021). Task-based language teaching in a local EFL context: Chinese university teachers’ beliefs and practices. Language Teaching Research

Netto, G., Baillie, L., Georgiou, T., Lai, W. T., Endut, N., Strani, K., & O’Rourke, B. (2021). Resilience, smartphone use and language among urban refugees in the Global south. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Mc Dermott, P., Nic Craith, M., & Strani, K. (2021). Beyond simple narratives: Northern Ireland needs intercultural dialogue post-Brexit. Identities blog.

Nic Craith, M. (2021), ‘Photo-Albums and Life-Stories: The Dilemma of Choice and Representation. In: Michaela Fenske und Susanne Dinkl (eds) Durch Leben wandeln. Neuere biografische Forschungen, Würzburg, pp. 209-34.

Strani, K. (2021). Is hate universal? The Linguist60(1), 24-26.

Tinker, C. (2021). Coming out and beyond: press coverage of popular music artists Emmanuel Moire and Eddy de Pretto. Contemporary French Civilization46(1), 75–102.

Wells, V., Athwal, N., Nervino, E. and Carrigan, M. (2021) How legitimate are the environmental sustainability claims of luxury conglomerates? Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 25(4): 697-722.


Collinson, E., & Baxter, I. (2020). Liminality and contemporary engagement: Knockando Wool Mill – a cultural heritage case study. Journal of Heritage Tourism

Fadel, L. (2020). When hope is a dinghy in the Channel: how racism in Britain is a crisis of belonging. The Conversation

Kalkreuter, B. (2020). Keeping an ear to the ground while gazing at things: Unravelling textiles heritage in the Scottish Borders. In U. Kockel, P. McDermott, & L. Campbell (Eds.), Per scribendum, sumus: Ethnopoesis, or: Writing heritage (pp. 243-250). LIT Verlag.

Kalkreuter, B. (2020). Anyone’s Heritage? Indian Fashion Design’s Relationships with Craft between Local Guardianship and Valorization of Global Fashion. Fashion Practice12(2), 264-287.

Kockel, U., Clopot, C., Tjarve, B., Nic Craith M. (eds) (2020): Heritage and Festivals in Europe. Routledge.

McKerrell, S., & Pfeiffer, K. (2020). On the relationship between performance and intangible cultural heritage. In U. Kockel, C. Clopot, B. Tjarve, & M. Nic Craith (Eds.), Heritage and Festivals in Europe: Performing Identities (1 ed., pp. 18-28). Routledge.

Nic Craith, M. (2020). Narrative and Nostalgia: The Vanishing World of the Islandman. Springer.

Nic Craith, M. (2020). ‘From Bengal to Scotland: Hybridity, Borders and National Narratives.’ In: Cicilie Fagerlid & Michelle A. Tisdel (eds), A Literary Anthropology of Migration and Belonging: Roots, routes, and rhizomes, Palgrave Macmillan, 157-180.

McFadyen, M. and Nic Craith, M. (2020). ‘Performing Scots-European Heritage, “For A’ That”.’ In: Ullrich Kockel, Cristina Clopot, Baiba Tjarve and Máiréad Nic Craith (eds), Heritage and Festivals in Europe, Routledge, 141-155.

Pfeiffer, K., Richardson, M., & Wurm, S. (2020). Translaboration in the Rehearsal Room: Translanguaging as Collaborative Responsibility in Bilingual Devised Theatre. Target – International Journal of Translation Studies32(2), 358-379.

Strani, K. (Ed.) (2020). Multilingualism and politics: Revisiting multilingual citizenship. Palgrave Macmillan.

Strani, K. (2020). The Lightness of Heritage. In U. Kockel, P. McDermott, & L. Campbell (Eds.), Per Scribendum, Sumus: Ethnopoesis, or Writing Heritage. A Cèilidh in Honour of Mairéad Nic Craith (pp. 230-242). LIT Verlag.

Szczepaniak-Kozak, A., Bakinowska, E., & Strani, K. (2020). Measuring change in longitudinal research on pragmatic competence: A multinomial logistic model. Biometrical Letters57(2), 195-220.

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