In addition to supporting individual research development, the IRC currently has three research themes. These constitute strategic groupings facilitating the achievement of the IRC’s objectives by concentrating on collaborative projects and programmes that relate to: Heritage and Sustainability ; Popular Culture and Inclusion ; Migration.

Research themes typically comprise staff and PhD students along with affiliates from within Heriot-Watt University and associated researchers from outside the university, with some projects cutting across themes, and some individuals active in more than one research theme.

Research themes are agreed for a rolling five-year planning period, have a distinctive focus and are reviewed annually. They comprise a combination of senior and early career researchers as well as postgraduates. Themes may invite affiliates and associates. Research theme leaders comprise the IRC Executive Committee. 

Current Research Themes (2020-2025) are:

The previous Research Themes (2013-2019) were:
Cultural Heritage
Language and Mobilities Across Time and Space
Tourism, Organisations and Marketing
Culture, Politics and the Arts
Sustainable Communities